A Boring Settlement is a Good Settlement
Seriously. It sounds goofy, but think about it. Do you want excitement at your settlement? Typically, this means something is not going to plan and now it’s time to scramble.
A boring settlement, on the other hand, starts with a review of the HUD-1 to make sure all “the numbers” make sense and the total is what you expected. From there it’s just a matter of going through the lender’s paperwork, the title paperwork and the deed. After the appropriate amount of signatures you are handed your file with copies of everything that you signed and most importantly, the keys to your new house.
When it’s all over the big smiles come out.
Congratulations to Niloufar and Mike (he had to get back to work before I could get the camera out). They are one of the few buyers that could actually walk from the old place to the new one.
Congratulations to Nancy and Allen. They downsized into the perfect house with a great backyard – enjoy your pool!
Congratulations Siobhan and Chris. Their new house is going to work well for their growing family. Based on what they did to their townhouse, I’m sure the new one will be spectacular once they finish the planned upgrades.